- Held GCA Zone IX Meeting in Little Rock, 1981
- Replaced 120 rose bushes at the Pulaski County Courthouse, including 40 patented roses named 'Arkansas'
- Relandscaped University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law School grounds at Second and Center Streets
- Art in Bloom presented at the Arkansas Arts Center with the Fine Arts Club, 1993 and 1995
- Held GCA Zone IX meeting in Little Rock, 1996
- Adopted the Decorative Arts Museum Gardens (now Terry Mansion Gardens), 1997
- Received City Beautiful Award for the Decorative Arts Museum Gardens, 1997
- Garden at Pulaski County Courthouse officially named after two LRGC members: "Alexander-Butler Rose Garden"
- Donation made to Dunbar-Gibbs Garden Project, Pinnacle Arboretum, and Tree Streets
- Donation of two benches to the Central Arkansas Main Street Library garden space