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LRGC New Project Proposals and

Evaluations of Current Projects Guidelines


Submission and Review Process

The Project Committee will accept project proposals annually by a designated deadline.  Current projects will be evaluated and reviewed on a rotating basis.  Recommendations from the committee will be submitted to the Board and subsequently to the membership for a vote.



·      Provide a development and support structure for current and new projects aligned with our mission objectives.

·      Cultivate proactive leadership rather than reactive responses.

·      Capitalize on the knowledge and experience of former and current project chair leaders.


Project Committee Members

Project Committee Members include the Committee Chair, the Assistant Chair, the Current Project Chairs, the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, a Member At Large and an Affiliate Member At Large.


 Project Committee Members Responsibilities for New Project Proposals

·      Review the New Project Proposal Form to determine if requirements are met:

o   Mission of LRGC

o   Non-profit organization

o   Host support

o   Horticulture in  nature and/or educational

o   Water and irrigation at project site

o   Availability of bathrooms, parking and easy accessibility including drive time 

o   Project Proposers commit for a 2 -year term


Project Committee Members Responsibilities for Current Project Evaluation

·      Review Evaluation Forms to ensure it continues to meet the requirements: 

o   Mission of LRGC

o   Member Engagement

o   Project Cost

o    Host support

·      Make recommendations to enhance project outcomes

·      Conducting follow-up visits to assist with the implementation of improvements

·      Providing additional support as needed

·      Determine if project remains a strong and supported project for the LRGC 


**Forms may be printed and returned to Cathy Crass or Cindy Simpson**

LRGC New Project Proposal Form
LRGC New Project Proposal Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 72.4 KB
LRGC Project Evaluation Form
LRGC Project Evaluation Form .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 52.1 KB